Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I had promised to update you guys on my boston organics delivery and it arrived today. So look at the pretty pics of all the fresh fruits and veggies i got!I've already eaten one bosc pear. And i was happy to see avocados and kiwis, which i love to eat, but never buy. in the brown bag are crimini mushrooms (the irony is that i just bought some last week) and there are yukon potatoes in the plastic bag. also, look at this pic.

In the top left hand corner there was this funny looking squash that'd I've never seen before. I tried figuring out what it was by going to the boston organics website, but nothing was listed, so i resorted to google. Turns out this is a sweet potato squash. I don't cook squash often, this will be a first, but apparently, you can cook it like a butternut squash. Speaking of which, i think i have butternut squash at home. so maybe i'll throw them together and make something.

I'm very happy with my delivery. It's got all this good food and it really wasn't that expensive. in addition to the fact that it took no work on my part. I took me like 10 minutes online to register and then i get the drop offs at my work. it's a win win situation. Now to carry it all home and make yummy stuff!

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