Day 7 in the Galapagos involved a hike to Sierra Negra, the second (or is it third) largest caldera in the world. Basically, this meant that we didn't spend a whole lot of time eating that day, so I figured I'd give you some nice pictures of the scenery. Here's a shot of the caldera itself.
To be honest, by this point in Isabela, our meals were getting kinda repetitive. I mean, they served us excellent three course meals for lunch and dinner, but I just got tired of documenting it. So I stopped taking pictures. That's basically why I don't remember what we even had for dinner that evening.
What I do remember is that it was the first day of Carnival. Even though Isabela isn't a big island (it only has around 2,000 inhabitants), they had still setup speakers and some stands farther down the beach in the middle of town. I got a tip from my sister that they were serving chicken wings at one of the stands, so after dinner, we headed over to check it out (and my other sister requested that I returned with an ice cream sandwich for her.)
What we found on the beach were people mainly hanging around and drinking beers. We found the place with the chicken wings pretty quickly. There were two ladies grilling the chicken over a make shift bbq. There was a tub full of chicken parts next to them, unrefrigerated and I totally knew I was going to get food poisoning from this (which I kinda did - but it was a mild case). I didn't mind though, it was worth it.
It was our last nice on Isabela, and we'd really had a great time on the island. I would miss it a lot.
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