Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well, it was Wednesday night, which you all must know by now, is the night for Project Runway. (ok, we watched Lost, I only watched 10 minutes of PR, but now we know, the finally three will be Santino, Chloe and Daniel V, or so i think). We made a group effort for dinner and made Katie's favorite broccoli soup.

So I cleaned the broccoli. the recipe only called for 1 cup, but we used extra, more like 3 cups.Dustin chopped the onionsand katie cooked everything. This is the broccoli cooking with some chicken broth and the onions. It cooked for 30 minutes until the broccoli had softened enough to puree.
next, Katie used the always helpful handblender and pureed the broccoli-chicken broth mixture.

Then, we set the soup on a low flame and added (in a slow stream) two egg yolks that had been beaten with 1+ cup of half and half. I streamed, katie stirred.And that was it. some salt and pepper and some crusty sourdough bread and we were all set! See how simple this recipe is? And very tasty too. The actual recipe suggested adding some jalapeno chilis and i thought that was a great idea. I could see how it'd work really well with the slight sweetness of the soup. And if i ever make this recipe myself, I'll try doing just that.

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