Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Last Friday, some girls and I decided to go out to dinner. Since Arti had just moved to the edge of Brookline, I thought it was finally time to venture further west. So I chose a cafe that I'd known about for a while, called Cafe Nation.Back when I was living and working in Beacon Hill, my friend Matt would occasionally bring me crepes from Cafe Nation. He visited the place several times a week and was a fan of their coffee. So I was already a fan of the Cafe Nation crepes before I had even visited. Unfortunately I also didn't acquire a car for another year, and I wasn't about to sit on the D line for an hour to visit a coffee shop, which is why I didn't make it there until nearly 2 years later. And of all funny coincidences, it turns out that Katie's friend owns the place. Boston really is a very small city. And so we set off, me, Katie, Arti and Jayna.

I was amazed at how close the cafe actually turned out to be. Having a car really is quite helpful. So now that I know where it is, I can go more often for the yummy crepes. The space is fairly large with lots of chairs so the local grad students can study and there's free wifi. Onto the food, I had a crepe with caramelized onions, cheese, spinach and i added in some turkey. Here it is. It was totally yummy and what I also really liked is that the use a whole wheat crepe, which you don't see very often.It turns out that they also have pressed sandwiches here, which is what Katie got. And here's some of the sweet potato soup (with something else, chicken i think?) that Katie's friend gave us. It tasted like a really good chili, as Katie pointed out. And they make it fresh every day.
Lastly, we had to have dessert crepes. I had my favorite crepe, which i used to order from a food truck back in college. It has nutella and strawberries, one of the world's greatest combos.
It got finished off very quickly.The other crepe we ordered had raspberries and lemon curd. So I didn't have any cause i'm not down with the raspberries, but the rest of the girls enjoyed it immensely.
All in all, we had a very pleasant meal it Cafe Nation. It's super cute and comfy. And reasonably priced. (Perhaps cause it is in Brighton Center). There were lots of different crepes I'd like to try out in the future, like the crab on that Arti had. I only wish there was a location closer to Boston.

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