Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Well, it was our last day in Paris. But our flight wasn't taking off until the early evening, which meant that we had time to continue exploring the city and also visiting a few more chocolate shops. Oh, also, as promised, here's the tabblo with pics of all the chocolate shops we visited. Please look at it; it took me 2 hours!

Hands down, my favorite chocolate shop in Paris is now Michel Chaudun. I bought a box of his chocolates and almost finished off the entire box by myself the day after I got back. Sigh. So yummy. When good chocolates around, I just can't stop myself from eating them all up! And I liked the fact that he was actually at his shop.

Tom and I spent most of the morning walking up and down the Champs Elysee. So here's a hilarious thing that I spotted while we were walking. Look closely. Just think, this is mounted on a wall outside the Swatch store on the Champs Elysee. Excellent. After walking for a while, we needed a break. So off we went to Angelina, that famous Parisian hot chocolate shop. I have a soft spot for Angelina's since it was the first place where I ever had real hot chocolate. When I was a college student we went right after visiting the Louvre (after having spent 3 hours in the rain waiting to get into the damn place). So we were cold and wet and I never really noticed the surroundings. On my second trip there, I noticed how over the top and gilded this place is. We arrive fairly early, so Tom ordered a brioche and coffee while I got a hot chocolate. Here it is:I gotta admit, the hot chocolate that I'd had at L'Charlotte d'Isle was much better than the stuff at Angelina's. But I liked the fact that Angelina's served their chocolate with a pot of fresh whipped cream on the side. It was sweeter and not as dense as the stuff at L'Charlotte, but it was still good.

After walking a bit more, we were ready for lunch. I had written down a place in the 9th that was known for good tartines (open face sandwiches), but it was closed when we arrived. Maybe they only serve dinner? At any rate, there was a cute like creperie on the same street, so we went there instead. We decided to sit outside, even though it was a cool day, cause it was on a cute little street and it's fun to people watch. I decided to get the 15E set menu while Tom just ordered a crepe. Here's my crepe, you can see it was served with a little pat of butter on top.And here it is cut open. I wanted to show you how orange the egg yolk was. Now that's fresh!After the crepe, I was supposed to get a green salad and a dessert crepe. But we waited and waited, and it was starting to get really cold and sprinkle a bit. So we gave up. (Right as Tom went in to pay, the dessert crepe was coming out, but what happened to the salad?) We turned it down and headed back to the hostel to check out and head to the airport. Wait, right after we went to this nice patisserie near the place we had lunch. I wish we'd had lunch there. It was warm inside.

In closing, I wouldn't say I had the best food in Paris on this trip. I guess we just really didn't have the time, and missed out on a lot of places for weird reasons (well, it is Paris after all). So maybe on the next trip. I'm making it up on my trip to NY this weekend. I was very happy with my chocolate purchases, though, and continue to make my way through those. In closing, here's a pic I took in the 9th. If you're unfamiliar with these, it's by a French artist who goes around putting these space invader mosaics up in different places. I'm sure there's a website or blog out there that tracks them. I've seen them in LA, too. And I know there are ones in NY. Neat, huh?

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