Tuesday, May 01, 2007


People, I gotta tell you. I have issues. Minutes after booking tickets to London to visit Jayna this summer and researching what hotel to stay at, I'm online trying to figure out what chocolate shops I'm going to be visiting. Despite having never been to London, I'm not looking up the tourist attractions like Big Ben or Kensington Place. Instead, I'm trying to figure out what are the most popular chocolate shops in London, how many I can get to in a day and how I'll get all the chocolate back in Boston intact (since it'll be August).

Furthermore, we're going to Toronto in July. And I've ALREADY figured out what chocolate shops I'm going to. We haven't even booked the rental car or hotel yet. Like seriously. It's crazy. What's wrong with me? And yet, I can't help myself...

1 comment:

That Girl! said...

It's your inner cruise director coming out!