Saturday, May 26, 2007


Well readers, in a few short hours Tom and I will be heading down to NY. What you say? How is that? Well, my little sis was supposed to come to Boston this weekend. We had a trip to Maine planned for some fresh lobsters. But at some point last night, she figured out that she'd purchased the wrong plane tickets. She'd bought them for BWI, as in Baltimore, Maryland. I found out a couple of minutes after opening at the store when I found an SMS message from her.

So after I bit of scrambling, phone calls and planning, we've decided to meet her halfway and spend the weekend in NY. I'm actually not really too annoyed about this. We go to NY so frequently that it's like a second home (or for Tom, he actually IS going home) and I always have a list going of all the places I want to eat in NY. In fact, I already have the entire weekend mapped out. Not of places we should visit, (like the MET, MOCA, etc.) but of places we'll be eating. I want to make a trip to Grom (the new Italian gelato place), the Red Hook Ballfields, Despana(oil packed anchovies from Spain) and maybe even a trip to the Union Square Greenmarket and Shake Shack. So come next week, you'll have plenty of posts to read about this trip to NY.

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