Friday, September 22, 2006


Well, this weekend marks the official end to summer, and so it's time for fall. In July, I posted a "Things I want to do this summer" list. And I managed to do quite a few of them. White water rafting didn't happen (and I learned that you need to make reservations more than a week in advance). I never saw a movie at the Mendon drive-in; they tend to show those summer blockbusters or family friendly films. And this year(so far, Volver is coming out in November), my favorite movies have been Thank You for Smoking, Oh in Ohio and Little Miss Sunshine, not exactly movies with a huge market. But I did go to Wilson's Farms, had my lobster in Maine and went peach picking (sort of.)

So what's up for the fall? To be honest, I don't know. Fall is when it's supposed to get busier at the store. (My November and December are pretty much shot). And it's also the time for tradeshows! I'll be going to the Salon du Chocolat in both Paris and NYC. Thus, I give you my short list of things I want to do this fall:

1. Go apple picking and make an apple tarte tatin. Fall is the only time I make apple tarte tatins, and I only do it with apples that I've picked. For some reason, it just tastes better to me. And I make a damn good apple tarte tatin. Maybe I'll also make some more apple turnovers. I had some left over from Jayna's bday and have been pulling them out one by one when the mood strikes me. The only problem is that I keep eating them. Sigh.

2. Go for a hike and see the foliage. I've never actually taken a trip to see the foliage. Sure, I see it changing while driving down to NY or something, but it'd be nice to actually go out and see it for once. I'm trying to decide where to go, depending on how much time I have, but I think a daytrip to Mount Monadonack in NH might be fun or if I just wanna stay close to Boston, a hike at the Blue Hills Reservation would also be good.

3. Visit the Topsfield Fair. Everytime we drive up north on the 95, we drive through Topsfield. And I always say "Don't the have a fair here?" And the answer is yes, they have the Topsfield fair. It's a state fair, so they have the animals and carnival rides and carnival food! (do they include pirogies or is that a thing in Pennsylvania?) Anyway, I haven't been to a state fair before, or at least not as an adult (if you can call me that), so I definitely want to see some piglets, pet a rabbit, and eat some fried dough.

I mean, what else do people do in the fall? It is my favorite season. The crispness in the air and that smell of fall. You know what I'm talking about. But if you've got more suggestion, post the in the comments section and I'll try to check it out.

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