Saturday, January 17, 2009


Our progress has been pretty good, since we still haven't spend any money. For dinner on Day 3, it was King Crab legs (don't you just love Costco?) with left over wild rice pilaf and sauteed kale. I didn't say this was going to be a week of healthy eating, but maybe we should try that at some point. And of course, for all other meals, it was more leftovers. Luckily Day 4 brought our CSA box, which was a nice relief with all the fresh fruits, veggies and leafy greens. I made us a big salad for dinner on Day 4, because I really just needed to eat something light.

Since we're at the half way point in our challenge, I asked Tom how he felt we were doing, and I think we both agree that we miss going out. The thing with not spending money and eating at home, is that's basically where you end up spending all your time. That's especially hard for Tom, since he works at home and already spends his days cooped up inside. So we miss the entertainment value of dining out. I also miss the social aspect of dining out. I'll be missing two dinners with friends this week because I'm trying to stay committed to not spending money for one week. On the other hand, I'll be making up for it the following week, because I already have a bunch of meals planned with family and friends.

Since we're nearing the end of this (just 2 more full days to go!), I realize that I just gotta push through. It'll soon be over.

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