Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Hunt for the Elusive $1 Cone

That's it people. Today's the day. The day that I will finally get my $1 Baskin Robbins ice cream cone. I may even get two. Yes, after weeks! WEEKS! of being denied my cone, I will triumph today, at 6pm. Let's recap my recent futile attempts at obtaining the $1 cone.

Week 1: the first day of $1 cones. We were denied by a couple of college/high school students who had no idea what we were talking about. Idiots. They now have a huge sign up proclaiming $1 cone day.

Week 2: i just forgot. my bad.

Week 3: leah was out of town. how could i buy a $1 cone without leah?

Week 4: leah came by to take me out for the $1 cone. but i was sick and went home early. i probably missed her by 10 minutes.

Week 5: Finally. my day of triumph. Leah and i are going to dinner on peterborough street. We're thinking of grabbing a cone first at the baskin robbins next to our stores and then after dinner, hitting up the br on st. mary's. just to make up for all these coneless weeks. find out if we succeed on tomorrow's post.

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