Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Wow, I'm in a blogging frenzy today. It is the only thing keeping me awake at work right now, though. It's near 95F outside and I wouldn't be buying chocolate either. So of course, it's been an incredibly slow day. I just wanna get out of here and off to my yoga class. Just a few more hours to go...

Summer dining is a big thing in Boston. I mean, we only truly get 3 months that we can spend outdoors in shorts and tanks enjoying some warm weather. So we need to take advantage of it. It's probably why all the free magazines publish an annual outdoor summer dining issue. (even though they repeat the same thing every year). Leah and I had one goal in mind, having dinner outdoors. We really didn't care where. But i didn't want to take the T anywhere, so it'd also have to be somewhere with parking.

Our first shot was the newly opened Beacon Street Tavern. It's owned by the same guys who own the Washington Square Tavern and Matt's beloved Matt Murphy's. It'd opened a couple of weeks before and was just 2 blocks from my apartment. The outdoor dining area was packed, but we had hope. Until we walked into the restaurant and found that the indoor seating was also full. We were told it'd be a 20 minute wait for a table outdoors (which isn't too bad), but after checking out the menu, we decided to go elsewhere. Everything on the menu was pretty heavy and it was actually kinda expensive for a neighborhood restaurant, with prices in the high teens to low twenties.

Instead, we decided to go to Harvard Square and look around for a place with outdoor seating. We ended up waiting at Grendel's Den, which had a handful of outdoor tables. We were kept waiting for a while, but finally got seated at a highly unstable table. But it'd work and we were just happy to be seated outdoors.

The good thing about Grendel's is that they have super casual, super cheap food. (it is on a college campus after all). I got this chicken roll up thingy. It was very tasty and it's definitely worth it considering I got to have dinner outdoors for less than $10.While Leah ordered some garlic bread, which I also enjoyed. To be honest, I don't remember what she ordered for dinner, and I didn't photograph it.After dinner, we decided to walk around the square a bit. I mean, we'd found a prime parking space in Harvard Square and that in itself was a rare feat. So we went off to Toscanini's and each got our beloved micro sundaes (which were topped with fresh whipped cream that'd just been made- unlike my previous experience with the spray whip cream). All in all, a great summer dining experience in Boston (or Cambridge really).

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