Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Many of you know that when we moved out here, I kept trying to convince Tom to get a job at Google so I could visit the legendary Google cafeteria. You know- local, organic, healthy and delicious. Well, turns out I don't need Tom any more, cause next Friday, I'm going to visit the Google cafeteria!!

So during the summer and into the fall, Google has a Farmer's Market on their campus that we participate in. And the first one will be next Friday, so my co-worker and I are gonna go so I can learn how it works and how to set it up. But, my co-worker's boyfriend is also a Google employee, so she's been to Google many times, and I asked that we visit the Google Cafeteria. So it's all set and I'm gonna stuff myself to the gills. I hope Tom will come with me, but I'll be sure to post about my trip next week!

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